Date(s) of event………………………………...……………………
Time(s) of event……………………………………………………..
State type of event…..conference……seminar……crusade…….
Specify other types………………………………………………….
Seating capacity………………Expected Attendance…..………..
Event Coordinator………………………………………………….
Event Coordinator’s Phone/Mobile………………………………
Theme of event……………………………………………………...
Date(s) Apostle Nnams is expected to minister……………...……...
Time(s) Apostle Nnams is expected to minister………………...…..
Duration of Apostle Nnams ministry per session…………………
Other Guest Ministers during this event…………………………
Please if your ministry is outside Spain, you shall be expected to make provision for air transport ticket to the nearest
destination airport for Apostle Nnams and his assistant. Please discuss if otherwise.
Please give details of accommodation for Apostle Nnams and/or one armour bearer ……………………………………….……………..