It is our dream to build our permanent Worship Center,Administractive Office,School
and ORPHANAGE HOME. it will cost $32
million and will be a 165,000 square foot complex which will be a 5000 seat sanctuary, equipped with the latest technology.
The facility will include a 3000 seat Conference hall, an administrative wing, several meeting rooms, the Apostolic Chronicles
Bookstore, an outdoor amphi-theater, a recording studio, a kitchen, and a nursery. The facility will also contain a wing for
- Achievers International University College .( A.I.U.C)
- Achievers Institute Theological Seminary & Business Studies( A.I.T.S.B.S.)
Although we are excited and thankful for this vision, we are nevertheless mindful
that " Achievers Cathedral" is more than a building, we are a loving family of believers who are part of the body of
Jesus Christ. The blessing is not the building, the blessing is the many souls that will accept Christ and gain eternal life
in this facility. To God be all the glory!
What Can One Dollar Do...
$ 1
People complain about how little a dollar is any more. They say that a dollar doesn't have the buying power it used to.
What can one dollar do for you? If that dollar stays in your hands, it can buy a coke, a bag of chips, or something at the
dollar store.
However, if you put the same dollar in our hands it can:
Feed a family living in the village slums of India or the Africa
Or, give an indigenous child living in Cameroun, Nigeria,Liberia,Serialone,Ghana ,Togo etc,
a Christmas present.
Or, print 4 studies that we can give to overseas pastors.
Or, copy a tape of a teaching, which will minister to a pastor.
Or, buy a 25 bricks toward the construction of Churches or our ministry center in
Or, help to buy Bibles in native languages.
Or, help us toward airfare to these overseas mission locations.
Or, help to keep our web site online, which is a information tool connecting us to the
Or, provide materials for Vacation Bible School for Africa, India, Peru or one of our
other mission projects in the world.
ONE DOLLAR can minister the Word of God to all those people,
in all those
places, all those times.
ONE DOLLAR can store up treasures for
you in heaven, while it's doing all those
other things! That's what one dollar can do!
Many people never give to missions, because they think they can't give enough.
Well, we've just shown you what one dollar can do.
Why not give that one dollar, and let God multiply it and use it? Has this web site been a blessing to you? If so, would
you be willing to commit to God to partnership with this ministry for $1.00 per month?
Would you be willing to make that investment in the Kingdom of God? Would you be willing to help us be a blessing to
We are in need of...
100 people to give - $1 a month
100 people to give - $5 a month
100 people to give - $10 a month
100 people to give - $15 a month
100 people to give - $25 a month
100 people to give - $50 a month
Whatever God touches you to give for Kingdom Demand Project, give and it shall multiply in a 100 fold in Jesus Name.
It is not the amount of the gift it is the faithfulness. Enough of God's people, giving faithfully, would meet
every need of the ministry.
Make a donation to Prince Nnams Kalu /Great Achievers International Ministries by postal service or online...
To send donations by postal service
Make checks payable to:
Great Achievers International Ministries
Calle Rio Nervion 23-6-12,46025-Valencia Spain.
Great Achievers International
Ministries TEAM Churches
Together Experiencing
A Ministry
We are in the process of growing as God adds to the GAIM Church Family. However, it is not in a
building made with hands. We have no Church buildings with padded pews, platforms, pulpits and elaborate sound systems.
We meet in homes and wherever we can for fellowship, for Bible studies, for prayer and for worship.
We do not worship by numbers or a program but as the Spirit of the Lord would lead.
We are not a Black Church, White Church, Asian or Hispanic church.
Who Are We?
We are an All Nations, Cross Cultural, Spirit Filled, Apostolic Church,
Empowering People for Destiny
Our Vision
Teach people from every tribe and nation, how to identify and
step into the purpose, plan and position of ministry
that God has ordained for their life
Our Strategy
Planting Ministry TEAM Churches, ONE Church
with ONE mandate in a multiplicity of locations
Our Mission
Reaching People for Christ, and Changing the World Together
"If we can bring people to a Passion for Christ, they will be at the door of their potential!"
Apostle Dr. Prince Nnams N. Kalu
The Great Achievers International Ministries is a New Testament Apostolic Ministry in in Valencia
Spain.Where your family is top priority,we believe that God has something new and great for your life and is dedicated to Transforming lives through the Word and Power of God. Our purpose is to teach people who they
are in Christ so they can embrace their priesthood as believers.
We do this by bringing all people to Christ and membership
in the (ecclesia). The Church which is the called out ones, developing them through discipleship and mentoring. Equipping
them to do the work of the ministry, to fulfill the commission and mandate we have been given and to continually magnify Christ
We are honored that you stopped by our on-line presence, and
believe that the Law of Attraction was manifested. Because your thoughts was on finding a very informative site that will
edify,empower and enlighten you. Not to mention challenge you, please use this site to access the information you need about
the ministry and as a resource for increasing your faith. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions
you might have. Our Kingdom mandate is to Bring Life and Vision to our generation and this we do by :
via encouraging messages, with all simplicity for a victorious christian
life, and powerful demonstrations of God's power,
we are empowering a people to serve a powerful God.
Our Theme is Celebration
Our Directive is Expectation
Our End Result is Manifestation of the Orchestration of the Glory of God!
My Covenant Pledge to You
I covenant to bring your needs before the throne of God in fervent prayer and stand
in agreement with you for victory.
I covenant that every time I come before the people, it will be under the anointing
of God, which destroys the yokes of bondage in your lives. I will have a word from God to deliver to you that will change
and increase you in godliness and wisdom.
I covenant to strengthen your faith through sound doctrine and instruction in God's
I covenant to pray for supernatural blessings and abundance for you and your family,
for as He gives us the power to obtain wealth, so can we establish His covenant in the earth. "
- Exciting Praise and Worship
- An environment of loving people
- Loving God & Expanding the Kingdom of God
Purposely provoking youy into your purpose." |
Pray with us about the following needs...
1. Monthly Ministry Supporters For Great Achievers International Ministries
- any monthly amount or one time gift. Thank
you for your support. Undesignated funds will be directed
to the greatest needs of the ministry.
2. "Mission" Support - 100% of every dollar designated
be directed to the mission efforts that it is designated for.
3. "Personal" Support - Apostle Dr. Prince,
his wife Ugoeze Deborah Nnams and their
children presently recieve monthly, about $700
If you believe in the ministry that the Nnams
are doing, please consider supporting them monthly.
(NOTE: Great
Achievers Internaitional Ministries is not apart of any denomination, and we do not recieve any mission funds from
such denominations. This ministry operates by the "Love Offerings" recieved and the generosity of individual
Enough land for a: training facility, a lodge with kitchen, a section for
summer youth camp, a house or houses for missionaries on furlow.
A place for year-round ministry training. Where people can be trained for
all types of ministry: cross cultural ministry, street ministry, youth ministry, and overseas missions. Short-term
Missionary teams from youth to senior citizens can receive training on language, culture, customs, travel, construction, etc., before
leaving on a mission trip.
Office Equipment:
1. New Desk Top Computer - needed for office work, something
up to date and internet compatable for our African office.
thank the Lord for providing a computer for our Valencia- Spain
offices. And a special thanks to our friends in U.S.A.
2. Laptop Computer for travel
3. Digital Camera - something of good quality. It will be used on
mission trips.
Other Computer Equipment:
1. Two up-to-date servers with audio/video connections
( we are in need of servers for the ministry websites, and
it is also our Vision to have a 24 hour Ministry Online
Radio Station and streaming video. This will be used
as an outreach to the world, and ongoing ministry to our
overseas mission areas)
2. Portable Sound System for outdoor Street Ministry.
3. Printing Machines for our printing Press.
MotorHome - to be used by the Nnams as they travel
from church to church raising missionary support. Something
self contained, road worthy, and sleeps 6.
Thank you for agreeing in prayer for these needs.
If someone would like to donate any of the above equipment or finances, please contact our office | |
Tel: +34-606827665, E:MAIL :