Is God Calling You To The Work Of A Professional Ministry? Are You Being Called To Preach The Gospel?
Apostolic Ministerial Fellowship offers qualified candidates
one of the Most Respected Christian Ordination in the world. We just don't ordain you , but also Help You To Get Started In A New Independent
Ministry With This Mighty Worldwide Family Of God! We Ordain Ministers, Evangelists, Preachers, Pastors, Bible
Teachers, Missionaries, And Great God Called Christian Men & Women All Over The World!
If you are ready and interested , please send us a mail now !
if you are in the ministry and you have thought about obtaining a Doctorate
Degree and you have been to busy working for the Lord to go to bible seminary, you can obtain an Honorary Doctorate
Degree in Divinity,Doctor of Education(Ed.D.) honoris causa, Doctor of Religious Studies (D.R.S.) , Doctor of Business Administration(D.B.A.),Doctor of Political Science,Doctor of
Computer Engineering ,Doctor of Computer Science ,Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
and Humanity, etc., today through the Achievers International University College &Theological
Seminary (AIUCTS) in partnership with the Vision International College & University (VICU,U.S.A.
and Ecumenical Apostolic Seminary.
This degree is strictly a religious degree and it
can be reward to you, because of your life work in the ministry for the Lord. This degree allows you to use the initials Dr.
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Apostolic Succession “
The Achievers International Ministerial Fellowship (A.I.M..F.), believes that in all ordinations
and consecrations the One who truly ordains and consecrates is God, who through the words and acts of a bishop in the Apostolic
Succession, along with other representatives, and in response to the prayers of His Church, ordains, commissions and empowers
for the office and work to which they are called the persons whom it has selected. In the earliest ordination of which we
have record, that described in Acts 6:16, the following parts appear: election by the people, prayer
and the laying on of apostolic hands. This pattern describes for us the scriptural and historical authority for the essential
elements in ordination services; the same three parts form the basis for every ordination in the Achievers International Ministerial
Fellowship (A.I.M..F.)
The presentation of the candidates to one of the bishops, this being the last step in the process
of choice of them by the church
Prayer for those about
to be ordained or consecrated, that they may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit for their ministry and
The laying on of hands of at least three Apostles / bishops (in an Episcopal consecration),
of the bishop and presbyters (in an ordination of presbyters), or of the bishop (in an ordination of deacons).To these have been added an examination of the candidates
concerning their beliefs and duties, proper vesting according to their order, the delivering to them of the instruments of
their office, and the presentation and greeting of the newly ordained.
The above three steps
are the means used by the original apostles themselves and are still in use today. This is considered necessary for valid
ordination, together with the correct intention on the part of the ordaining bishop. This is why the succession of bishops
from the apostles down to our own day is so carefully guarded and maintained. In the Achievers International Ministerial Fellowship, we have been wonderfully
blessed with a rich and variegated Apostolic Succession that connects us to many branches of the Great Achievers Churches, both east and west.
The Achievers International
Ministerial Fellowship believes that the ministry is a gift of God through Christ to His church, which He has given for the perfecting of the life and service of all
its members. The Church as a whole is a priestly body, since it is the Body of Christ, the great High Priest. All its members,
according to the measure of the gift of Christ, share in its priestly nature. Yet from the beginning, God has entrusted particular
ministries to particular persons within it, and these have, through the Church, received the commission of Christ.
The ordained ministry of the Achievers International Ministerial
Fellowship, in consists of bishops, presbyters and deacons. In accepting this ministry, the Apostolic Ministerial Fellowship
desires to maintain continuity with the historic ministry of the Church as it has come down to us from early times through
what is commonly known as the historic Apostolic Succession. An ordination service is the sacramental rite by which one of
these ministries is conferred. It is an act of God in His Church
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Reaching People For Christ, And
Changing The World Together.
If you want Apostle Dr. Prince Nnams to speak in your Church,Convention,Conference
or programmes,feel free to contact him for Invitation. Or Call:+bishopnnams@yahoo.com.
Join Us to uphold God's servant in Prayers and with your finance as
he Labours in the vineyard of God! God Bless you for your support.