Prince Nnams World Gospel Outreach is a non-profit ministry founded to spread
the True and Living Gospel of Jesus Christ! A ministry dedicated to bringing deliverance and salvation to the lost, encouraging,
equipping, and edifying the body of Christ, and bringing to hope to those who have found themselves discouraged and beaten
by the enemy of this world. |
Prince Nnams World Gospel Outreach Ministries in God, in His son Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Spirit! We believe the Bible is the true and infalliable Word of God, and all it contains! We believe in
the power of God manifested by His Holy Spirit indwelling within Believers today! We believe that signs and wonders,
greater works, and miracles shall follow all those who believe in God and are filled with His Spirit! We are not out to debate
denominations or faith, we just want to convey the Love of God in TRUTH and in the Beauty of His HOLINESS! |

Prince Nnams Life-Care Foundation is a multi-faceted ministry. Each vision
reflects a part of a whole! Prince Nnams World Evangelism Outreach seeks to meet not only the spiritual needs of
people, but also the emotional, mental, and physical needs as well. We believe in bringing healing to every area of a person's
life, developing the total person through God's Power and Love manifested in their life. Whether it is a place to stay, a
fresh start, healing, a spiritual rebirth, emotional and mental well-being, prayer, or something as simple as a new look,
we want to bring a total deliverance and restoration to the broken, abused, bound, and wounded. |
