Rev. Ugoeze D.Nnams |

Rev Mrs Ugoeze Deborah Nnams is Co-founder/Pastor of Great Achievers International Ministries
& Churches, a fastest growing and dynamic Christian Centre in Spain, and also the President of the Covenant Feminine Fellowship
International (CFFI), a women’s ministry which ministers to the needs of women worldwide. Many have been delivered from
the bondage of sin and oppression through this ministry.
A true intercessor, she yielded to the influence of the Holy Spirit so that her heart and spirit are
burdened with the needs of others. She also functions in the office of a prophet which causes her to minister with a directness
and power.
As she ministers the Word of God, the lives of her listeners are always impacted with
the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. As a trained certified counsellor she also supports her husband Apostle Dr.
Prince Nnams N.Kalu in the leadership and pastoral care of Great Achievers International Ministries & Churches.
She obtained a Diploma in Theology & Missions in two different
Schools, firstly with Kingsway International University College,Aba, Abia State -Nigerian Campus in 2001 (Dip.Th)
and with Pilgrims University & Theological Seminary-U.S.A. in 2003. She was Ordained as a Pastor in
2004 with Pilgrims Ministerial Association,Burlington NC,U.S.A.
Rev.Ugoeze Deborah Nnams is a Co-Senior Pastor of The Great Achievers Inernational Chuches world-wide and was consecreted
as Co- Senior Pastor by Bishop Simon Iheanacho, The President UK WORLD EVANGELISM CHURCHES AND MINISTERIAL
COUNCIL( International) London.
Rev. Deborah Nnams is the wife of Apostle Dr. Prince Nnams N. Kalu,The General Overseer/ Founder
: The Great Achievers International Churches - World-wide. The Nnams have five children:Princess,Sharon,Success, Favour and
Prosper Emmanuel.
The Covenant Femenine Fellowship International shall be in operation
at all GAIC branches worldwide. The General Overseer’s wife shall be the international co-ordinator. The General
Overseer shall hold the position of international president.
- To involve women of integrity in things of the Lord in GAIC
- To train and produce Holy Spirit filled women for position of leadership in GAIC worldwide
- To teach women on how to handle marital problems that may be confronting the women wing of
the ministries
- To make them more useful for the body of Christ, their families and humanity in general
- To allow them to operate within the spiritual frame work of their callings
- To have a voice for sisters in the affairs of the ministry
- To prepare battle-ready Christian sisters mandated to pull down strongholds
- To create a meeting place where general feminine matters can be discussed and addressed
- To create an avenue whereby younger sisters can learn from older ones - having older women
mentoring younger ones.
- To develop women into leadership positions in the society
- To train women to become prayer eagles
- To address all matters relating to Christian homes as concerning women
- To prepare an array of end-time Christian soldiers who will be ambassadors for The Great
Achievers International Church worldwide
- To assist the less-privileged women in making a living and having a fulfilled life
- To arrange for the development of skills that can be commercialised to arrest
poverty in the lives of the needy and to give necessary assistance to widows who are in need
- To handle and effectively co-ordinate the activities of GAIC women deliverance
- To introduce Winnas Women College. This college will teach only courses related to women affairs
such as: marriage, good family, women and children, evangelism ministry.
- To monitor the activities of GAIC women ministers at all levels
- To introduce yearly seminars or convention on women affairs
- Well targeted prayer meetings held regularly
- Functional Bible study programmes
- Educational Seminars on various issues
- Workshops
- Spiritual retreats - praying and fasting
- Crusades - Evangelism - winning souls for Jesus
- Leadership Training for women
- Vocational training - soap and candle making, tye-dye, etc.
- Welfare package including scholarships for children
- Bulk purchase of essential commodities
Faith and belief comprise a very important part of our lives. A person's
beliefs in many ways define who they are -- how they see themselves, what they want out of life, and more.
On this
web site I'll offer a personal account of my own beliefs. I'll describe how my beliefs have changed my life in profound and
exciting ways, and how I think they might change the lives of others.
I'll also be sure to provide links to my favorite
sites as well as information about organizations that help strengthen or support my beliefs.
Thanks for visiting, and
be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think! |
The Covenant Feminine Fellowship International is a ministry dedicated to developing our women into becoming
that woman of virtue. This is done through encouragement, Every woman is encouraged to put God first by empasizing her personal
relationship with God.
This relationship is the key to her success. THE COVENANT FEMININE FELLOWSHIP I NTERNATIONAL meets two times every
month, Second and Last Thursday of the month to study the word of God and recieve practical life lessions through Seminars
: Health. Financce, Family, and Relationships. Intercessory Prayers for Single Ladies who are looking for their own rightful
Husband and Special prayers to Women who are looking for the fruit of the womb, Praying for Pregnant women for safe delivery.
Every month an inspiring testimony from one of the sisters in the ministry is given, as well as an exhortation in the
word by our very own Rev. Deborah U. Nnams.
TIME : 6.00 PM
For more details call : + 0034 606-829-862, + 0034 606-827-665
The mandate of the group is to empower all women in reaching their full potential in the
home, local community, business and chosen career, church and in ministry. In the 4 years our work has centered on practical
impartation of biblical truth, health and lifestyle, career development, business set-up, accessing public services for women
especially elderly, young mothers and single parents. Through conferences, seminars, outdoor events in the community, business
breakfast meetings and networks, Covenant Feminine Fellowship has successfully impacted the lives of women in Spain.
Covenant Feminine Fellowship International works in submission to and support of the vision
of Great Achievers Ministries to RAISE UP LEADERS to affect their community and sphere of influence.
As CFFI our focus is on:-
- Bringing every woman into a place of total deliverance and restoration
- Raising the woman as a voice of influence in their local community
The primary thrust of the activities of the CFFI is focused on being a source of support and influence and teaching
others to do the same. As such we have set out these goals to enable us to work out our vision effectively.
- To be committed in prayer for the leadership and work of the Great Achievers Ministries and other Churches &
Ministries (Romans 12:11-13)
- To have an effective prayer ministry, raising up intercessors and women who have an in-depth understanding of the Holy
- To teach every woman to be grounded in the truth of God’s Word. (2 Timothy 3:16)
- To offer a ministry of counselling and direction to the bereaved, confused and dejected, bringing to pass the healing
power of the Lord Jesus in their lives.
- By means of our mentoring programme, to raise up role models for today’s young women thereby assisting them to realise
and release their leadership potential and ability.
- To practise the principles for a true, successful and prosperous Christian marriage and parenting (Ephesians 5:22-24,Titus
- To set up forums for issues relating to women’s health and business sector to motivate and release women into their
specific careers and professions. (Colossians 3:17, Proverbs 31).
- Outreach work in our local community offering a ministry of prayer, healing & visitation to those in hospitals and
prisons (Isaiah 61:1-3)
I warmly invite you to attend our annual conference. Come and experience the love of God and receive knowledge for living.
Rev. Ugoeze D. Nnams International President


An Ideal Woman
A woman is one of the most beautiful
objects in this world. God created them in a very special way for unique responsibilities. I challenge women to rise up and
take their rightful place in the Kingdom of God. You might be a single mother raising children alone. You may not have a husband
or your children's father who is there for you in hard times or he may even have rejected you nor do you know his whereabouts.
You might be a married woman who feels imprisoned; or you may be someone who is blessed by God and everything is going well
for you. All of us have a unique role to play.
My dear sister you are an ideal woman. What does the word "ideal" mean?
According to Webster's dictionary, it is the highest concept. Sister, you are special. Do not sit down and allow feelings
of inferiority to dominate you.
I want you to know that enough is enough. You are not a plate of food that anyone
can simply pay a couple of dollars for, eat and leave. You are special, you are very precious, you are the image and the likeness
of God.
Let us read the book of Esther Chapter 5: 1 - 3. Now it came to pass on the third day, that Esther
put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the king's house, opposite the king's house, and the king sat on
his royal throne in the royal house opposite the entrance of the house. And so it was when the king saw Esther, the queen
standing in the court yard that she obtained favor in his sight; and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was
in his hand. So Esther drew near and touched the top of the scepter. Then said the king unto her, what will thou, Queen Esther?
And what is thy request? it shall be even given thee to the half of the kingdom.
You Should Be Bold: You Should
Be Bold: An ideal woman is someone who is very courageous, and firm in times of danger. Esther had the courage to confront
the king. Every wicked plan that Haman had for the Jewish people did not work. If it did not work at that time, it will not
work in your time because it is the same God. God gave her the favor. Someone has said problem is a platform for God to stand
upon and display his power. I would like to encourage you to get up and face the challenge. The devil is telling you that
you cannot make it. Your own mind is telling you that you are not going to live but die. Friends have rejected you because
they think there is no hope for you. Whose report do you believe?
I hear God saying call unto me and I will answer
thee and I will show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Esther was vindicated and I am prophesying unto
you this day that God, has vindicated you. Just go to him in prayer and pour your heart to him.
In his Love, Ugoeze
Should you desire any counseling, prayer or fellowship I may be reached at +34-606829862 you
can also send your E-mail to queendeb151@yahoo.Com.
I am Rev. Ugoeze Deborah Nnams, the wife of Apostle Dr. Prince Nnams the Founder/ Senior
Pastor of Great Achievers International Ministries & Churches Inc. I enjoy working with my husband
in the vineyard of the Lord. If you sit under this Man of God your life will never be the same. I would like to invite you
to fellowship with us anytime you are in Valencia Spain. We love you and God bless you.