Welcome to our web site!
An "Oasis
in dry places," are you thirsty for living waters? Come, drink until you are filled, be refreshed, renewed and restored.


"Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking
our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing
Welcome to our website and thank you for browsing.
If there is one thing I want you to pick up while you are here, it is that God loves you!
God is Love! He created human beings as the capstone of His Creation. His eye is always on us even as we sleep. He wants to
have a vibrant and intimate relationship with you and He sends the church to let you know that fact. I hope you come and visit
us, or maybe even make this church your home, but most important of all is that you come close to God as He has purposed.
Perhaps you have wondered why you are here on this planet and what the purpose of your life is. Well; God
says He created you to glorify him and enjoy a relationship with him all your days. If you would like to know more, I would
be excited to answer any questions you might have. I can be reached at +34-606-827-665.
Remember God is interested in relationship not religion.God Bless you and make his face smile upon you!
We are Reaching
the World with the Word!
We welcome you to our website. May God richly bless
you as you read about us and our ministry. Through this site you will discover the many ways that God is using this ministry.
The vision of Great Achievers International Ministries and Churches, Prince Nnams World Outreach Ministries
(PNWOM) was imparted to Apostle. Dr.Prince Nnams Nmecha Kalu while serving as a missionary in Togo. Following
God's instructions, he established a ministry base in Lome Togo and it was during that time that Redeemers
Power Assembly (REPAS) came into being and also He founded YOUNG BUSINESSMEN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL -Non-Denominational (YBCFI)Lome
Togo branch.
Although Apostle. Dr. Prince N.N.Kalu pastored the church in Lome Togo,
his primary calling is that of Apostolic and Missionary.
During his travels, this young church of vibrant believers is pastored by the resident
We want you to understand the mandate we have received from the Lord. To understand
it more clearly, please read these simple definitions and then how we apply them to our calling. These definitions are those
that are taught by Dr. Myles Munroe as he teaches believers on their purpose.
MISSION = a general
statement of purpose that declares the overall idea of what you want to accomplish.
VISION= a very precise
statement with specific emphasis and definable boundaries.
The Great
Achievers International Ministries & Churches is a New Testament Apostolic Ministry in in Spain,Africa and Asia.Where
your family is top priority,we believe that God has something new and great for your life and is dedicated to Transforming
lives through the Word and Power of God. Our purpose is to teach people who they are in Christ so they can embrace their priesthood
as believers.
We do this by bringing all people to Christ
and membership in the (Ecclesia). The Church which is the called out ones, developing them through discipleship and mentoring.
Equipping them to do the work of the ministry, to fulfill the commission and mandate we have been given and to continually
magnify Christ name.
We are honored that you stopped by
our on-line presence, and believe that the Law of Attraction was manifested. Because your thoughts was on finding a very informative
site that will edify,empower and enlighten you.
Not to mention challenge you, please
use this site to access the information you need about the ministry and as a resource for increasing your faith. We look forward
to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have. Our Kingdom mandate is to Bring Life and Vision to our generation
and this we do by :
Reaching the Lost
Equipping the Saints
Transforming Lives
Raising Leaders
Healing Destinies & Fulfilling Divine Purposes.
via encouraging messages, with all simplicity for
a victorious christian life, and powerful demonstrations of God's power,
we are empowering a people to serve a powerful
Our Theme is Celebration
Our Directive is Expectation
Our End Result is
Manifestation of the Orchestration of the Glory of God!
The Jesuc Clinic as its name implies, is a clinic where adequate attention is given to spiritual problems without the use
of medicine. Everything is by faith in Jesus Christ, based on the scriptures.
Deliverance is part of salvation. Thus, the Clinic takes care of the patient's spiritual needs from the moment he/she becomes
born again: needs arising from sickness, oppression, and other problems caused by evil spirits.
For effectiveness, we do indepth teaching to inform patients of the possible root cause(s) of their spiritual problems,
the spirit(s) responsible, how to become free, and how to remain free.
Are you sick, oppressed and manipulated by the evil forces? Come to our Faith Clinic and get your freedom or contact us
through phone or online for further information and assistance.
JESUS CLINIC DAYS Tuesdays & Fridays: Every Week - Teachings Tues & Fri.
: - Counseling and Ministrations
If you are in need of the services available inn the Jesus Clinic and cannot visit Valencia, Spain, you can contact
us either by phone or e-mail and we will immediately get back to you and render useful assistance that will greatly benefit
you and your household.
Hotline Cell – 34 – 606-827-665 Email – greatachievers4all@yahoo.co.uk
The General Overseer, Apostle Dr.Prince Nnams has introduced Free Medical Care to all members as well as non-members
of the Ministry in the year 2003. The Free Medical Care came as a welcome development to many people who have in the time
past found it difficult to have access to qualitative health care.
Several Doctors and Nurses were on hand to attend to the over four hundred persons that turned up for this exercise
and drugs worth thousands of Naira were freely given out to the patients. All manners of diseases were diagnozined and they
were treated by the dedicated team of medical personnel. Others who have been craving to know their blood group and genotype
were tested in the medical laboratory that was provided for the exercise. Several other tests were also carried out. All free
of charge. There was visible smiles and happiness on the faces of all the patients as they prayed fervently for the sustainability
of this laudable programme.
We need christian Doctors, nurses that has mission minded to contact us, we need people to sponsor this programme.
The Mission of the Great Achievers
Jesus gave us a great commission: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." The Church of God
hears and follows the voice of the Master. While Jesus was here, he looked upon people with great compassion, seeing sin-stained
lives, broken hearts, and sickness. The scripture says He was moved with compassion, seeing the people as sheep without a
shepherd. Saints of God feel that same compassion, and want to reach out to a world lost in sin.
The Saints of God have a great heritage of Bible truth. We treasure that truth and reach out to spread the light of God's
word to the world. The Great Achievers International Church believes and practices living free from sin according to New Testament
teaching. Not only do we believe in salvation from sin, we believe in sanctification and infilling of the Holy Ghost.
The Great Achievers practices baptism by water immersion as shown by the examples in the New Testament. God's saints are
called to be separate from the world - not physically, but in spirit, appearance, and conduct. Our doctrine is the Bible.
We do not keep membership rolls. Everyone who is saved from sin has his name written in the Lamb's book of life and is a member
of the Great Achievers International Church Inc.
Have We Done What We Could?
31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of
his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd
divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then
shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger,
and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37
Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38
When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and
came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto
one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
MINISTRIES (PNGWOM) Our mission is to give direction through the ministry
of the Word of God and the foundation of prayer and to bring support to disadvantaged women and children in their daily needs.
Our vision is to conduct worldwide evangelism through Holy Ghost revivals, healing
and deliverance crusades and church gatherings.
GREAT ACHIEVERS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES & CHURCHES Our mission is to empower people by the building of God's kingdom.
Our vision is to conduct worldwide evangelism and church planting through the
ministry of the Word, discipleship, worship and prayer.