The Holy Spirit led me to make some special prayers
for performing miracles in the lives of the people of God. They have to start
praying a prayer a day for 40 days.
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, the Lord will do great and new
things in your life. The Spirit reveals to me that in 40 days’ time, you
shall be blessed by the Lord. There shall be showers of blessing on you, your
family and your ministry to God. The Lord knows what you need from Him. It may be a miracle of a new door being opened for your career. It may be a miraculous
healing of you or of your loved one. It may be a miracle of a new door being
opened for your business which is now running in loss. It may be a miracle of change of heart for your estranged spouse. It
may be a miracle of change of heart for your disobedient son. It may be a financial
miracle for acquiring a house or a new car which you require. It may be a financial
miracle for relieving you from a heavy burden of debt. It may be a miracle of
getting a favorable verdict for you from the court of law. Dear minister of God, it may be a financial miracle or a new door
for your ministry.
Today as you read this message I can hear “the sound of abundance
of rain” (I Kings 18:41) and exhort you to see through your prophetic eyes “a cloud, as small as a man’s
hand” rising out of the sea (I Kings 18:44).
Dear child of God, you would have sought the intercessory prayers of some minister of God for
a miracle in your life. Since you have experienced no miracle, you have now become disheartened. Six times you have seen “nothing”.
Now the SEVENTH TIME has arrived in your life, and you are hearing
a small voice “Go again”. As you read this message, you can see “a small cloud, as small as a man’s
hand”. You can now see a little evidence of the ensuing great blessing upon your life. With this small cloud, you should
now trust God and be happy. There will be a sudden outpouring of His blessing in your life. Dear minister of God, there will
be a great outpouring of His anointing on your ministry in a manner never imagined by you. The God of Elijah is alive today
to perform the same miracle for you. Amen.

The God who fed Elijah through a raven is alive
today to perform a similar miracle for you!
Dearly beloved, I now stand in the Promised Land and minister to you. I prophesy of a miracle for you in 40 days’ time in Jesus’ Name. Oh, rivers will flow in your wilderness in Jesus’ Name. “I will give you
rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit” (Lev.26:4).
If you believe this word of prophecy, you may pray these prayers. You
may pray these prayers in your house along with your family. It is my personal
request that you may kneel down in your house for these prayers.

(Some people wanted to receive miracles but did not kneel down and pray during this period. As such, they have not received
miracles even after the 40 days were over.
The Lord inspired me to write these prayers for 40 days so that a person who prays these prayers would be completely transformed
in his/her spiritual life and would receive these material blessings. Kneeling down is symbolical of one's surrendering his/her
life to Christ Jesus completely. Some people who prayed these prayers did not receive any miracle because they did not kneel
down and pray; probably they thought kneeling down was not important.
When Elisha asked Naaman, the Syrian who was suffering from leprosy, to dip seven times in the river Jordan for healing,
he thought Elisha would heal him by calling on the name of his God and by striking his hand over the place (II Kings 5:11).
When Naaman went back on his way, his servants told him, "If the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not
have done it; how much rather then, when he said to thee, "Wash, and be clean?" Naaman ultimately obeyed the prophetic commandment
and received the healing (II Kings 5:5-11-14).
could have healed Naaman in a simple manner. That was not the God's will for healing. You should know the secret of divine
miracle or divine healing. When Jesus heals a person, he touches the spirit, soul and body of the person concerned. People
these days get healing even through the powers of darkness also because the evil spirits touch their physical bodies only
for healing and not their spirits).
If a miracle
takes place during this period, you may please record this very briefly as a testimony for His glory in our guest-book. You
should not get disheartened if no miracle has happened till the 39th day. Even on the last day, the miracle may
take place.
Prayers for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4th and 5th day
Prayers for the 6th, 7th, 8th,
9th and 10th day
Prayers for the 11th, 12th, 13th,
14th and 15th day
Prayers for the 16th, 17th, 18th,
19th and 20th day
Prayers for the 21st, 22nd, 23rd,
24th and 25th day
Prayers for the 26th, 27th, 28th,
29th and 30th day
Prayers for the 31st, 32nd, 33rd,
34th and 35th day
Prayers for 36th, 37th, 38th,
39th and 40th day |
Prayer for the first day
“Oh, our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by
the precious Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Forgive all my trespasses against Thee and my neighbors. Forgive my lack of love for my brothers and sisters in the Lord. I seek Thy forgiveness through the sacrificial Blood of the Lamb of God shed for my sins on the Cross of
Calvary. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the second day
“Oh, our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by
the precious Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I confess that I have failed Thee and have grieved Thy
Spirit on many a time. I have betrayed Thee before others on many occasions. I have neither believed Thy Living Word nor trusted Thee completely. I seek Thy pardon today. I thank Thee for forgiving me and
for restoring me in Thy fellowship. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen”.
Prayer for the third day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I thank Thee for accepting me into Thy fellowship and for restoring me like the younger
son in the parable of the prodigal son. I thank Thee for Thy everlasting love for me through the Blood of Jesus Christ. I
thank thee for Thy incomprehensible love for Thy chosen people. I thank thee for Thy sheltering love which covers the multitude
of my sins and iniquities and for Thy sublime love which blinds Thy holy eye to my wretchedness and unworthiness. I thank
thee for Thy flaming love which cannot be quenched by “many waters”, for Thy lofty love which cannot be drowned
by “the floods”, and for Thy precious love which cannot be valued in mere monetary terms. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen”
Prayer for the fourth day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou art ELOHIM – God the Creator. Thou
art the Creator of the heavens and of the earth. Thou created everything through the WORD (Christ Jesus). I believe that Thou
art going to create new things in my life through Thy Son Jesus Christ. I praise Thy Holy Name and thank Thee for the new
things being created in my life. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the fifth day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thy word exhorts me not to remember the former things nor consider the things of old
because Thou art going to do new things in my life. Thou art ELOHIM. Thou art the Lord, my Holy One, the Creator of Israel, my King. Thou art seated on a High Throne above
the worldly and the Satan’s kingdoms. I praise Thy wonderful Name. In Jesus’
Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the sixth day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, I praise Thee for Thou art Jehovah Mekkadishkem. It is Thee Who sanctifies me by Thy Spirit. I cannot lead
a victorious life through my own strength without Thy grace. I thank Thee for Thy Covenant of grace by which I was saved from
the sin. I pray that I may be filled with Thy Spirit daily so that I may lead a holy life, pleasing to Thee. Give me Thy power
to overcome temptations in this world. Help me to deny myself, take my cross
and follow my Lord Jesus. I have been crucified with Christ Jesus and it is no longer I who live but, Christ lives in me;
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. I thank
Thee for the life of Christ in me, an unworthy vessel. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the seventh day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, it is good for me that I have been afflicted so that I may learn Thy statutes.
Thou art with me as I have been passing through the furnace of afflictions all these days.
I thank Thee for purifying me through Thy furnace. Thou art my Comforter. Thou art a God of compassion. I thank Thee
for Thou hast comforted me. Thou hast seen my afflictions and all my tears are
before Thee. O Lord, when Mary Magdalene wept by the side of Thy empty tomb, Thou said unto her, “Woman, Why weepest
thou?” I thank Thee for Thy power of resurrection in my life. All my dead hopes do get resurrected in the Promised Land
where I stand today. I worship and adore thee, my loving Father for Thy
eternal love for me and my family. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for the eighth day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, I thank Thee for Thy rod by which I am being chastened. I thank Thee for giving me an opportunity to suffer in order to fill up that which is behind of the afflictions
of Christ in my flesh for His Body’s sake, which is the Church. What a
great privilege for me! I thank Thee for Thy baptism of fire by which my spirit
is revived. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen”.
Prayer for the ninth day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou art EL Elyon – the Most High God.
Thou hast chosen me, an unworthy person, to be a priest of the Most High God under the New Covenant. I stand boldly
in Thy Most Holy Place not because of my own righteousness but because of the Blood of Jesus Christ, my Lord. I thank Thee for making us, through the Blood of Jesus, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a peculiar people. I worship and adore Thee. In Jesus’ Name, I
pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the tenth day
make this prayer on your behalf or on behalf of your loved one who is on the sickbed)
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou art JEHOVAH RAPHA – “THE LORD THAT HEALETH THEE”. O Loving Father, all these years, I have been suffering from this “incurable” disease/My loved
one has been suffering from this “incurable” disease. All the medical
treatments taken by me/by my loved one are in vain. Our financial resources are
being drained day by day. I have lost all the hope of recovery. I am not a man/a
woman of faith. Though I/we had attended many healing crusades, I was not healed/My
loved one was not healed. I am now left with a seed-like faith only. O Lord,
I believe that Thou hast brought me into the Promised Land and that in this Land; this seed-like faith shall germinate very
quickly in Jesus’ Name. O Lord, I have been/My loved one has been drinking the bitter waters of “Marah”
all these years. I can no longer drink this water/My loved one can no longer drink this water.
believe that Christ Jesus bore my disease and grief on His Body/the disease and grief of my loved one. Since all our sins stand forgiven by the Blood of Jesus Christ, I/we believe that all the curses on my
family/our family/ our forefathers were also washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
in the Promised Land, I claim this healing for me/for my loved one IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.
may now take a bottle of oil and pray over it, saying, “This is the Blood of Jesus Christ shed for healing my sin and
disease/for healing the sin and disease of my loved one. You may start applying
this oil on your head/on the head of your loved one, daily till the 40th day).
Prayer for the 11th
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I praise and worship Thee for Thou art Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Thou hast graven me on the palms of Thy Hands, in spite of all my backslidings and
weaknesses. Thou art great and mighty in power. Thou art the Lord Who delivereth those who are bound with chains. I thank
Thee for delivering me from the hands of the Devil and for doing great wonders for me in Jesus’ Name.
Prayer for the 12th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou art worthy to be praised. I worship and adore Thee. Thou inhabiteth the
praises of Israel and dwelleth in the high and holy place. My heart is full of
gratitude for Thee because Thou rememberest me, an unworthy person. We are all
as an unclean thing and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf: and our iniquities like the
win, have taken us away. Today, Thou rememberest my sins and iniquities no longer because I am fully covered by the Blood
of Jesus Christ. I thank Thee for bringing down the wall of Jericho in my life
in Jesus’ Name. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for the 13th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I praise and adore Thee for Thou art
EL SHADDAI – THE ALMIGHTY GOD. I pray that Thou may bless who are in their
old age in a similar manner as Thou had blessed Abraham when he was 99 years old. Thou
hast carried me all these years and wilt still carry and wilt deliver me. As
my bodily strength fails me, I pray that I may be given Thy strength and power so that I can continue to serve Thy people
and can bring many people to Thy Kingdom. In the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting
strength. Thou art my Rock and Refuge.
I trust only in Thee. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen”.
Prayer for the 14th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, I praise and adore thee for Thou art JEHOVAH-RAAH and my Shepherd. I shall
not want. Thou art always with me as my Shepherd, making me to lie down in green
pastures and leading me beside the still waters in this tumultuous world which is torn by war and violence. Thou restoreth
my soul when I fall down in my spiritual life. Thou leadeth me in the paths of righteousness when I do not see the path of
righteousness because I am being drowned in the quagmire of injustice and unrighteousness of this world. Enable me to judge
with Thy righteousness in this world. I thank Thee for Thy abiding presence with me and for preparing a table before me in
the presence of mine enemies in my mission field/in my office/in my neighborhood. I
thank Thee for anointing me with Thy Spirit in an overwhelming manner for my ministry.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 15th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou art wonderful in counsel and art excellent in guidance. Thou art great
in counsel and mighty in work. O Lord, I seek Thy counsel and guidance in my
life. Let Thy will alone be done in my life and my ministry. Since I do not know
Thy perfect will, I pray that Thy will be revealed to me in a way that I can understand very easily. In Jesus’ Name,
I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 16th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, both riches and honor come of Thee.
It is Thee who giveth power to get wealth. Thou hast been a strength to
the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat. Thou made Thy Son Jesus poor for my sake so that I may become rich.
I believe that my God shall meet all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I praise and worship
Thee for Thou art JEHOVAH YIREH “The Lord Will Provide”. Thou hast
promised that Thy people shall eat the riches of the Gentiles. I pray that Thou
may bless me with Thy riches so that I may be freed from the bondage of debt and may share Thy blessings with the needy members
of the Body of Christ. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen”.
Prayer for the 17th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou art our father; we are the clay, and Thou our Potter; and we all are
the work of Thy Hand. Thou hast allowed the sufferings and persecution in my
life to make me a pot worthy of my Master’s use. I thank Thee for having
made me a strong vessel for holding Thy living waters. I pray that Thou may use
this vessel for Thy glory so that thousands of people may be blessed. Let Thy
living waters pass through this vessel. I pray that this earthen vessel may not
take an iota of Thy glory for itself and that Thy Name alone be glorified. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for the 18th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, I praise and adore Thee for Thou art JEHOVAH-NISSI “The Lord Is My Banner”. I thank Thee for Thou art giving me victory over my defeated life; victory over temptations;
victory over the Devil and his demons wherever I go; victory over the power of the Devil in my ministry. O Lord, I do not have any other banner over me except Christ my Banner.
Standing in the Promised Land with Christ my Banner, I command the Devil to flee from my house/my work place/my mission
field. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for the 19th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou art the Lord Who healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. O Lord, I have been broken in heart due to constant reproach by my own people whom
I had served. I have been despised by those to whom I have done good. O Lord, their reproaches have broken my heart. Due to my human frailties, I am unable to forgive them. I pray that Thou may give me grace so that I may forgive them in the same manner as Christ forgave those
who reproached Him. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 20th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because
Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power, and hast reigned. O Lord, I pay that
I may be filled with Thy power so that I may reign with Thy Son Jesus Christ over the kingdoms of this world and over the
kingdom of the Devil. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen”
Prayer for the 21st day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou visiteth the earth, and watereth it: Thou greatly enricheth it with the
river of God, which is full of water: Thou prepareth them corn, when Thou hast so provided for it. Thou crowneth the year with Thy goodness; and Thy paths drop fatness.
O Lord, I pray that mayest forgive all my sins and iniquities committed by me through the Blood of Jesus Christ. I pray unto Thee that Thou mayest bless the work of my hands and the earthly possessions
that Thou hast given me. Thou mayest crown this year with Thy goodness. Let me and my family/my ministry taste the fatness which Thy paths drop in this world. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 22nd day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength,
and honor and glory and blessing. I pray that the Church, the Body of Christ may be filled with power, and riches, and wisdom,
and strength, and honor and glory and blessing. I pray that my eyes may be opened to perceive the glorified Body of Christ. O Lord, give me Thy grace so that I may become a part of this glorious Church and
may sacrifice my life for the sake of the Church. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for the 23rd day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thy word is a lamp unto my path, and a light unto my path. Due to my afflictions, I am unable to see the path I should walk. I
am full of confusion and fear. I do not know what I should do now. I have none
to teach me Thy counsels. O Lord, give me understanding of Thy words. Thy words giveth light and understanding to the simple. I have none but Thee to guide me and to show me
the path. Let Thy lamp lighten the darkness before me. Thou art my Teacher to teach me to profit. I pray unto Thee
that Thou mayest show me my path today through a revelation. In Jesus’ Name, I pray”.
Prayer for the 24th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou searcheth the lone sheep of Thy pasture that was wounded and lost in
the wilderness. I am like that man who, having been afflicted with an infirmity for 38 years, had been waiting for the moving
of water in the pool called Bethesda at Jerusalem. That man was not healed by
any angel in a dramatic manner but by Jesus Christ when He had gone to Bethesda to meet that solitary person who had suffered
much in his life. Like that person, I was looking for a miracle all these years
at Bethesda. Since the expected miracle has not taken place, I am now disappointed.
I had seen miracles of healing before my eyes but I was not healed. I believe
that since Christ died for me on the Cross of Calvary and saved me from sin, I need not wait at Bethesda for my healing for
an indefinite period. Today by faith in the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ,
I rise up and walk. O loving Father, I thank Thee for healing me in Jesus’
Name. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen”.
Prayer for the 25th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou art the God Who restoreth the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm,
and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, which Thou sent among Thy people. Because
of my sins and iniquities, Thy righteous judgment devoured all my years of blessing.
Today I plead before Thy throne of grace, taking refuge in the cleft of the Rock of Ages Who was smitten for my sin. I pray unto Thee for restoration of the years lost by me, through the precious Blood
of Jesus Christ. O Lord, make me glad according to the days wherein Thou hast
afflicted me and the years wherein I have seen evil. In Jesus’ Name, I
pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 26th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou hast promised, “The Lord shall command blessing upon thee in thy store-house,
and in all that thou settest thine hand unto: and He shall bless thee in the land which the Lord Thy God giveth thee”
(Deut.28:8). I believe that I have been brought into the Promised Land through
the Blood of Jesus Christ. O Lord, forgive all my sins and iniquities committed
by me in the Promised Land that stand as a stumbling block between me and Thy blessings.
Since I stand cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ today, and I have decided to hearken diligently unto Thy voice,
I pray unto Thee for commanding the blessing upon me in my store-house and in all that I set unto my hand. Let the store-house in my mission/in my family be blessed by Thee.
Prayer for the 27th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou art the God Who divided the Red Sea by Thy strength and Who brought out Thy people
from Egypt with a strong Hand and with a stretched out Arm. When Thy beloved
people who were chased by Pharaoh and his men ran towards the Red Sea and cried out unto Thee, Thou divided the Red Sea by
Thy strength. O Lord, today I have been driven to despair and hopelessness by
the Devil and his army (or my enemies/my own people in family) and the Red Sea is now before me. I have no other way to escape except by a miracle. The Red Sea before me has to be divided by Thy strength
so that my family and I can pass through this Red Sea. I have been waiting for
an unduly long time for the Red Sea to make a way for me. I have no other weapon in my hands except my own cross which I have
been carrying on my shoulder all these years. On Thy command, I stretch out this
cross towards the Red Sea for a miracle. Thou art a miracle working God. O Lord, I need this miracle desperately. The
Red Sea needs to be divided for me today. If it is not divided, I may perish. The evil spirits likened the Egyptians/or the people who are oppressing and
persecuting me whom I see today shall not be seen by me again tomorrow. I pray
in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for the 28th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou hast promised that If I obey Thy voice, Thou shalt open unto me Thine good treasure,
the heaven to give the rain unto my land in his season, and to bless all the work of my hand: and I shall lend unto many nations,
and I shall not borrow (Deut.28:12). O Lord, since I did not hearken unto Thy
voice by not sharing my material blessings with the needy members of the Body of Christ and not by helping the poor and needy
people, I have since fallen into unbearable financial debt. I am unable to pay the bills and to clear the loan installments
due to my creditors. I seek Thy face for forgiving me the iniquity of being indifferent to the suffering members of the Body
of Christ and of not helping the poor, orphans, etc. I pray unto Thee now that Thou mayest open unto me Thine good treasure,
the heaven to pour out Thy showers of blessing upon my family/upon my business/upon my mission and to bless all the work of
my hand so that I may become a source of blessing to others.
Prayer for the 29th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou hast promised, “The Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and
thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath” (Deut.28:13). O
Lord, in my place of work/in the business world, I have been oppressed. All my
sincerity and hard work are ignored. Forgive me all my trespasses against Thee
and my neighbors. I pray unto Thee that Thou mayest give me a willing heart to obey Thy voice in order to receive Thy abundant
blessing in the place where I work to earn a living. I pray that I may be the
head and not the tail. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 30th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord, my Savior. Lord, hear my voice: let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If Thou, Lord, shouldest
mark iniquities, O Lord, who stall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee through the Blood of Christ Jesus. I wait for Thee all these years, O Lord, my soul does wait, and in Thy Word do I hope in this world.
My soul waits for Thee, O Lord, more than they that watch for the morning. I thank Thee for redeeming me from all my iniquities through the precious Blood of Christ Jesus. I now
pray unto Thee for fulfilling Thy promises unto me without my further waiting for Thou alone performeth great wonders. Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O Lord. In Jesus’ Holy Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 31st day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I extol Thee, my God, O King; and I bless
Thy holy Name for ever and ever. Every day I bless Thee and praise Thy Name for
ever and ever. O Lord, Thou art great and art to be greatly praised. Thy greatness
is unsearchable.
eyes of all wait upon Thee, and Thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou
openest Thine hand and satisfieth the desire of every living thing. Lord, I pray
unto Thee to give my meat which is due to me and to open Thine hand and satisfy my desire, remembering Thy Covenant made unto
us by the precious Blood of Thy son Christ Jesus. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer for the 32nd day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I stretch forth my hands unto Thee alone for this miracle which will transform my
entire life and will revive my spirit. My soul thirsts after Thee only as a thirsty
land. Hear me speedily, O Lord, my spirit fails in my afflictions. Hide not Thy face from me as I stand forgiven and justified by the Blood of Jesus Christ, lest I be like
unto them that go down into the pit.
me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust. Cause
me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee.
me to do Thy will for Thou art my God: Thy Spirit is good. O Lord, quicken me
for Thy Name’s sake and for Thy righteousness sake, bring my soul out of all troubles. In Jesus’ Name, I pray.
Prayer for the 33rd day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide
not Thyself from my supplication. Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my
complaint, and make a noise, because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked. O Lord, I am being
oppressed by my enemies all these days. (Pray, if applicable to you: They dragged
me to the court of law, falsely accused and testified against me and obtained a judicial verdict to their favor). Thou art
the righteous Judge of this world. Thou art also my Jury and Advocate. Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help.
I have committed any trespass against my enemies knowingly or unknowingly, I seek Thy forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus
Christ. Give me a heart to love my enemies. The battle against them is not mine
but Thine.
didst divide the Read Sea by Thy strength; Thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters. Thou brakest the head of Leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. O Lord, because of the continual reproach by my enemies, I perish in this wilderness.
O deliver not the soul of Thy turtledove unto Thy enemies; forget not the congregation of Thy poor for ever. Have respect unto Thy Covenant made with us through the Blood of Christ Jesus: for the dark places of the
earth are full of the habitation of cruelty. O let not the oppressed return ashamed: let the poor and needy praise Thy wonderful
Prayer for the 34th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. Thou art the Father of the fatherless and art the God Who setteth the families of
the solitary women forsaken by their husbands.
This part is applicable only to certain women (O Lord, though I wanted to live with my husband, he obtained a decree of divorce
and forsaken me and my child/children or/taken away my child as per the judicial verdict. He also remarried another woman,
thus breaking my heart to smith screens).
life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing. I am forgotten as a dead
woman out of mind. I am like a broken vessel.
My times are in Thy hand. Thou mayest hide me and my children in Thy secret
place from the pride of man and mayest keep us secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.
Lord, I find it difficult to live in this world with my meager income. I commit
my entire family into Thine hands and pray Thou mayest open Thy treasures of heaven to bless my family. If it is Thy will, I pray, our marriage may be restored. Hear
my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not Thy peace at my tears: for I am a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
My hope is in Thee. (If applicable, you may pray in continuation: Let the void created by the absence of my husband be filled with Thy presence. Thou art my Rock and my Fortress; therefore for Thy Name’s sake, lead me and guide me throughout
my life in the absence of my husband).
Prayer for the 35th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, Thou hast promised, “Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither
shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzi-bah and thy land Beulah: for the Lord delighteth
in thee, and thy land shall be married” (Is.62:4). I was despised and forsaken
by my spouse/by my own people. I was called ‘Desolate’ by others.
Thou hast seen all my afflictions and my tears are in Thy bottle. I thank Thee
for reviving my spirit by Thy promise. O Lord, though I was forsaken by others
in this world, Thou hast not forsaken me. Thou calleth me “Hephzi-bah”
and my land “Beulah”. Let thy blessings and grace be showered on
me and my family. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for the 36th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I thank Thee for choosing me to be Thy servant in Thy vineyard. However, my labor in the Vineyard has been in vain all these years because I have trusted in my own resources
and in my talent of preaching. But I have not trusted in the Name of Jesus Christ
and His power. Besides, my pride and lack of love for the lost souls are a stumbling
block to Thy blessing and anointing on my ministry. I have gloried in the spiritual gifts given to me but have not gloried
in the Cross of my Lord Jesus Christ. Today, I repent of my backslidings and
pray unto thee for restoring me to my right place of ministry in the Body of Christ.
I pray unto Thee for revealing to me the type of ministry for which Thou hast anointed me with Thy Spirit, whether
apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral or teaching. (You may now pray to God for a revelation and the Lord will certainly
reveal your calling right now. After getting such a revelation, you may continue
this prayer) As I have now decided to serve Thee in Thy Vineyard with a new vision and with a fresh anointing of Thy Spirit,
make and mould me into another pot meet for my Master’s use. O Lord, my humble ministry consisting of a few co-laborers is a little one today. By Thy grace,
it shall become a thousand, and this small ministry a strong nation because it is Thee Who will hasten it in his time. In
Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 37th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I pray unto Thee to grant Thy grace,
power and wisdom unto the ministers/pastors/elders in my local church and unto all the evangelists/ministers in my beloved
nation. I pray that Thou mayest send a mighty revival to the churches across
the length and breadth of my nation and mayest revive Thy people who are dead in sin.
I pray that Thou mayest open the eyes of the national leaders of my nation to the truth of Thy Word so that they may
remove all the idols of gold and silver from the high places and may glorify Thee, the true God. I pray that Thou mayest expose the work of the Devil through his emissary i.e. Antichrist and mayest grant
the power of discernment to these leaders. Claiming Thy promise, I pray that
no weapon that is formed against Thy people in my nation may prosper and that any tongue that rise against Thy people may
be condemned in judgment. Let the people of God in my nation be gathered together
in the Body of Christ. Let not Thy judgment devour my nation. In place of judgment, send revival to my nation. In Thy wrath,
remember Thy mercy. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”
Prayer for the 38th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. I intercede before Thy throne of grace for the persecuted Church throughout the world.
O Lord, forgive me for my apathy to the sufferings of the other members of Thy Body and also for my slackness in not praying
for the persecuted brothers and sisters in other nations. Forgive me for my failure in not sharing my material blessings with
my brothers and sisters in those nations which have since closed their doors to the glorious gospel. Many missionaries in non-Christian nations/Muslim and communist nations died as martyrs. I pray tearfully for Thy comfort of the families of these martyrs.
Lord, I have now decided to pray daily for these suffering members of Thy Body. Let
my self be crucified so that I may have concern for the other members of Thy Body throughout the world. I also pray that Thy gospel be preached in every nook and corner of this world. If it is Thy will, send me to those nations where Thy gospel has to reach millions. In Jesus’ Name,
I pray. Amen”
Prayer for the 39th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, according to Thy promises, I claim Thy protection and safety for Thy people
in my town/in my nation. As we dwell in the secret place of the Most High, Thou
coverest us with Thy feathers so that neither any noisome pestilence nor any arrow nor any terror can strike us. No evil shall befall us neither shall any plague come nigh our dwelling.
O Lord, as we dwell in the Promised Land, according to Thy promise, we shall hear violence no more neither wasting
nor destruction within our borders. The walls in our Land, and not the might
of our political state, are our ‘Salvation’ and the gates by which we enter our Land are our ‘Praise”. We enter the gates with thanksgiving in our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, I pray.

"Talitha cumi! Damsel, I say unto thee, "Arise"
Prayer for the 40th day
our loving Father in Heaven, I approach Thy throne of grace not by my own righteousness but by the precious Blood of Thy Son
Jesus Christ Who is my Savior and Lord. O Lord, I thank Thee for making me a part of the Great Achievers International Ministries through
which Thou hast been ministering to many people all over the world. I pray for
this small group of people whom I do not know in flesh but know them in my spirit as Thy little flock belonging to the Body
of Christ. I pray that though they hail from different parts of the world, speaking
different languages and following diverse cultures, they may be one in the Body of Christ.
I pray that all of us may love one another and minister to one another in a body ministry. Thou mayest grant us Thy grace so that all of us may behold Thy glory.
Bind us together, O Lord, in the cords of Thy love which cannot be broken by the Devil.
Lord, make this small group of Thy flock a crown of glory and a royal diadem in Thine Hand. I pray for showering Thy grace
and anointing upon Thy ministers who serve Thee through this website.
this last day, I give thanksgiving unto Thee for performing great miracles in the lives of my brothers and sisters in the
Lord and also in my life. Let Thy grace and power continue to sustain me in the
days to come as I have a long way to go in my sojourn on this earth. Give me Thy wisdom to understand the hidden truths in
Thy Word. Give me Thy grace to overcome temptations in this world. Give me Thy power to overcome the Devil and this world. In
Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen”.